ISO Mistakes

The mistakes people make when implementing ISO standards – a helpful guide made for people who are:

  • Thinking about implementing some kind of ISO standard;
  • Wondering why you ever bothered implementing your ISO standard(s) – because it really isn’t helping.

Mistake #1

Attempting to squeeze your business into an ISO standard

Mistake #2

Adopting the language and terminology of the standard where it is not relevant, useful or indeed user friendly

Mistake #3

Adopting only a cursory understanding of the standard

Mistake #4

Not checking to ensure your assessment body is UKAS approved

Mistake #5

Creating separate "diluted" ISO specific management system objectives

Mistake #6

Not properly defining the different types and scopes of documentation

Mistake #7

Failing to properly define the formatting detail for each type of document

Mistake #8

Overcomplicating the system (including compliance requirements that have no real bearing on your operation)

Mistake #9

Taking a solely "minimum effort / tick box" approach

Mistake #10

Letting the certification body assessors dictate the structure & detail of your system

Mistake #11

Developing your systems in a way your people won't use or don't understand

Mistake #12

Not getting top management commitment or appointing a champion with sufficient authority

Mistake #13

Allowing the management system to rest on the shoulders of just one individual

Mistake #14

Not taking time to fully understand the detail of the standard & the intent of each clause

Mistake #15

Allowing your ISO champion to empire build

Mistake #16

Choosing a consultant that doesn't understand your business or that you would find difficult to work with

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Feel free to book a free 1 hour consultation with one of our expert consultants. Or, if you're a little old fashioned like us, give us a call!  We're here to help you with all your ISO needs to help you build:

- Better strategies

- Better systems

- Better measurement

- Engaged people delivering

- Better results

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