ISO Mistake #13

Allowing the management system to rest on the shoulders of just one individual

In previous versions of these standards, there was often a requirement to have a “management representative” who would take responsibility for the effective implementation and ongoing development of the management system.

In our opinion, this often led to a culture that allowed top management to appoint an individual, usually lower down the hierarchy, to fulfil this role. In some instances, the effect of this has been to create an artificial divide between the “real work” and the management system.

We would argue that if a manager is appointed to manage, they should be responsible for the whole of their department, which would include the setting of objectives, targets, documenting processes and managing their associated team.

Solution & resources

  • All managers need to be responsible for their entire department / activity / remit including any management system responsibilities.
  • Document these responsibilities as part of their job description.
  • This should include the management of the relevant objectives, targets, key performance indicators, procedural documentation, forms etc.