SWOT analysis

The SWOT analysis is probably the archetypal marketing or business planning tool, the origins for which seem have been lost in the mists of time. Some credit an American business thinker, a guy called Albert Humphrey, who worked at the Stanford Research Institute (now SRI International) for its invention. However, whilst he developed other tools, […]

Porter analysis

When to use it Porter’s Five Forces Model is another well-known, top-level, battle-hardened, often deployed tool for analysing the external competitive environment a business faces, but whereas PESTEL works at the macro-environmental level (looking at the issues beyond the control of the company), Porter works at a level below that, where, very significantly, given the […]

PESTEL analysis

PESTEL analysis is probably one of the most well-known, top-level, battle-hardened and frequently deployed business planning tools – a great tool! PESTEL being an acronym for Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological, Environmental and Legislation. When we first came across the tool (some 30 years ago) it was simply PEST analysis: the EL has been added along […]

Who is interested in the party?

In this blog we are going to explore clause 4.2 of the ISO 9001 standard which has some crossover with the previous requirement for context (clause 4.1).  External interested parties may be, but equally may not be, highlighted as part of the context analysis. So, what are and who are interested parties? At this stage […]

Looking at the external world

Having originally undertaken a 4 year apprenticeship in the Merchant Navy, I didn’t finish my degree until I was 24 and the first firm I joined, as a freshly minted graduate, was a diamond tool manufacturing company called Van Moppes-IDP based in Gloucester.  The MD there was a lovely guy called Ian Marsh.  As the […]