The Pain – Parchment and White Gloves

“Ab antiquis ad novum, ad augendam scientiam et intellectum, et adoptionem in vitam”   Translated from Latin as “from old to new, to increase knowledge and understanding, and adoption into life”.  We often find organisations with documented management systems almost written on parchment and baring no relation to what actually happens within the organisation. In […]

The Pain of Non Conformance

Whether a non conformance is raised as part of a third party assessment visit or internal finding, it often means additional work for the person assigned with closing the issue.  As non-conformance isn’t an everyday occurrence, it’s not always easy to complete. I’d like to take this pain in bite size chunks, looking at: What […]

The Pain of Not Enough Time and Not Enough Knowledge

We can’t all be experts at everything, no matter how hard we try.  One of the biggest issues we come across is the pressure on resource, both from a time perspective and also the specialist skills required to support a management system. Splitting the two points, lets look at each individually and identify what is […]

Beyond ISO – leveraging processes

In my final year engineering degree project, I fronted my dissertation with a quote from a guy called Lord Kelvin.  He used to run about Scotland a couple of hundred years ago measuring the temperature of the water at the top and bottom of waterfalls and as a result came up with the Kelvin scale […]

Practical ISO implementation

As some of you know I used make diamond tools for a living.  This involved mixing not very sparkly diamonds in even less sparkly clay.  We would then make the mixture very hot and squeeze it very hard to make an “insert”.  And of course, we didn’t want our finger burnt so, we let the […]

PDSA: A Magnificent Tool for Learning, Improvement and Innovation

In order to stay ahead in today’s ever-changing world organisations need to constantly strive to improve processes, products, and services. A great tool for assisting us is the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) model and this blog explores how PDSA can be a magnificent tool for learning, improvement, and innovation. But first, is it PDSA or PDCA? PDSA […]

The Black Box Approach: Failure a springboard to success

Some years ago, we picked up a new client, they had an existing management system, and we were asked to undertake an audit prior to their external assessment because they hadn’t had time to do so, and they needed a quick fix.  Our consultant undertook, to my mind, a spectacular audit gently challenging the status […]

The chain reaction

My management hero is a fella called Dr W. Edwards Deming and he developed his “chain reaction” model to explain how improving the way in which an organisation works, and how improving their products and services are delivered, can have a very positive impact on efficiency, effectiveness and productivity, which ultimately filters through to the […]

Analysing processes

Some processes work well, others don’t.  Process mapping helps you identify what’s working well and what’s not.  You can then prioritise to drive real and quantifiable improvement. So, what is a process? All work is undertaken in a process.  They start with some kind of trigger or an “input” for doing something, “stuff” then gets […]

Who is interested in the party?

Implementing and developing ISO management systems Who is interested in the party? In this blog we are going to explore clause 4.2 of the ISO 9001 standard which has some crossover with the previous requirement for context (clause 4.1).  External interested parties may be, but equally may not be, highlighted as part of the context […]